

At Skinpeccable, we understand that hair loss is an extremely stressful problem. Thankfully, there are many excellent treatments for this problem including medications, topical solutions, lasers, and transplantation. A consultation with your Skinpeccable physician will allow you to explore all the options available and to create a strategy to save your existing hair and to increase your scalp hair density.

Hair Loss Videos of Dr. Darvish on ehow.com

How to Stop Hair Thinning in Women

How to Stop Hair Loss for Men

Laser Treatments for Thinning Hair

Hair Loss FAQs

A: There are a number of factors that cause one’s hair to fall. One of the main factors is genetics. If you have a family history of balding (i.e. your father), it is more likely that you will experience hair loss at some point in your life. Other common causes of hair loss include thyroid problems, childbirth, a protein or iron deficiency, and certain medications.

A: Hair loss is one of the most common problems seen at Skinpeccable. About two thirds of men experience hair loss as they age. A major cause of male pattern hair loss is the attack of hair follicles by the hormone DHT. Some treatments block this interaction and save hair. Hair loss and hair thinning is also a common found in adult females. There a variety of treatments for females as well that can save existing hair and bulk up thinning areas.

A: Each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per month during the growth phase. About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any one time. About 10 percent of the hair on your scalp, at any one time, is in a resting phase. After 2 to 3 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place. It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, some people may experience excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.

A: Treatment of hair loss depends on the cause. If a medicine is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine. Recognizing and treating an infection may help stop the hair loss. Correcting a hormone imbalance may prevent further hair loss. There are many medicines (topical and oral), lasers, and treatments available to cure hair loss. A visit to our office will allow us to create a plan best suited to you.

Schedule your Hair Loss Treatment today!

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