Asclera™ was approved by the FDA in 2010 to treat uncomplicated spider veins (varicose veins less than or equal to 1 mm in diameter) and uncomplicated reticular veins (varicose veins 1 to 3 mm in diameter) in the lower extremities. Once injected, it acts by damaging the cell lining of blood vessels, causing them to close and eventually disappear.
Asclera (polidocanol) Injection has been used in Europe to safely and effectively treat spider and reticular veins in the legs for over 40 years. At this time, over 5 million treatments have been performed with a very high success rate. In addition, Asclera has anesthetic properties, which may make treatment more comfortable for patients.
So if you are suffering from varicose or spider veins, come and visit us for a free consultation and find out if you are a candidate. provigil is generic buy modafinil reddit uk